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split mbox into separate messages

S: refilter

you use formail to split it it back into separate messages and feed each into its own little procmail process.

    formail -s procmail 

biff n # Important!
mv mbox mbox.old
formail -s procmail < mbox.old
biff y

<< 2000.01.22 Sat 14:31:24

split mbox into separate messages

From the procmail FAQ:

             formail -ns procmail experiments.rc < test.mbox

    (This will use the recipes in the rc file experiments.rc.) 


formail messages splitting

       -s   The input will be split up into separate mail messages, and  piped
            into  a  program  one  by  one (a new program is started for every
            part).  -s has to be the last option specified, the first argument
            following  it  is  expected to be the name of a program, any other
            arguments will be passed along to it.  If you  omit  the  program,
            then  formail  will  simply  concatenate the split mails on stdout
            again.  See FILENO.

       -d   Tell formail that the messages it is supposed to split need not be
            in  strict mailbox format (i.e., allows you to split digests/arti-
            cles or non-standard mailbox formats).  This disables  recognition
            of the Content-Length: field.

digest article splitting

If your newsreader or mailer does not have a built-in command that allows you to easily read a digest you can pipe the article to ``formail -ds'' which will split the article into separate mail messages, and then you can use your mailer or newsreader (if it can read mail folders) to read the folder. For example, here's what you would do in Tin while viewing the article:

Type...                           In order to...

| Pipe
a Specify the article is to be piped formail -ds >> ~/mail/faq.split Split the digest into individual messages and put them in a file named ~/mail/faq.split. (Replace ~/mail with your folder directory.) pine -if faq.split Use Pine to read the newly created folder.



     formail - mail (re)formatter


     formail [+skip] [-total] [-bczfrktnedqBY] [-p prefix]
          [-D maxlen idcache]
          [-x headerfield] [-X headerfield]
          [-a headerfield] [-A headerfield]
          [-i headerfield] [-I headerfield]
          [-u headerfield] [-U headerfield]
          [-R oldfield newfield]
          [-m minfields] [-s [command [arg ...]]]

     -A headerfield
          Append a custom headerfield  onto  the  header  in  any

     -i headerfield
          Same as -A, except that any existing similar fields are
          renamed  by  prepending an ``Old-'' prefix.  If header-
          field consists only of a field-name,  it  will  not  be

     -I headerfield
          Same as -i, except that any existing similar fields are
          simply  removed.   If  headerfield  consists  only of a
          field-name, it effectively deletes the field.

     To remove all fields except  From:  and  Subject:  from  the
          formail -k -X From: -X Subject:

     -c   Concatenate continued fields in the header.   Might  be
          convenient when postprocessing mail with standard (line
          oriented) text utilities.

     -z   Ensure a space exists between field name  and  content.
          Zap fields which contain only a space.  Zap leading and
          trailing whitespace on fields extracted with -x.

Last updated on: Fri Dec 26 11:03:40 EST 2003

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